We moved in with Ryan's parents when our tenancy run out so that we could save up as much cash as possible including the deposit from our old house and the proceeds from selling as much of our furniture and things as we could! It's strange how selling your things becomes almost addictive (I love e-bay!), and the more we threw out or sold the better we felt - maybe there is something to be learned from Feng Shui as the de-cluttering certainly lifted our spirits. Everything we wished to keep was boxed up safe and we began the search.
Our many hours of searching e-bay and Auto-trader and anywhere else that might possibly be hiding a cheap motorhome unearthed a slightly tatty looking 6 berth Dreamliner Vogue in Wales, 'first £3000 offer and it's yours' the listing said, so we were amazed that it was still there when we rang. So on the 10th November 2011 off we drove to Wales, with butterflies in our bellies.
Several hours later we arrived in the dark with a full moon in the sky and whilst Ryan checked her over with a torch for any structural or mechanical issues, the owner was very friendly and chatted to us about where they'd been as a family with 'Old Rusty' as they'd nicknamed her and happy enough we paid up and began the journey home. Ryan drove the motorhome and I followed in my little Clio with the biggest, maddest grin on my face the entire time! As it was so late already we stopped at some rather noisy motorway Services for the night, enjoyed some fish and chips at the dining table and slept (well for a couple of hours in total I think! :S) in our new home. We continued on the next day, and the butterflies and the smile stayed with me all the way! Dreams aren't so scary when they're still dreams, but ours was suddenly reality...
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